Why you need to change your toothbrush today!

‘Your toothbrush is home to over 100 million bacteria!’

When was the last time you replaced your toothbrush??

Not replacing your toothbrush regularly can potentially have a whole range of significant impacts on your health. This is something to consider, given that the whole reason we brush is to help keep our teeth, gums and mouth healthy.

Toothbrushes that have passed their used by date can;

  • Damage your teeth and gums if the bristles have been worn out.

  • Be ineffective at removing dangerous decay causing germs, leaving you at increased risk of developing holes in your teeth or other types of dental disease.

  • Be a breeding ground for millions of nasty bacteria, some with the ability to make you sick.

Your toothbrush could be harbouring a cosy little nest of over 100 million bacteria. Among the most unpopular of these little nasties, E. coli could be lurking, a bacteria that is present in what we’d rather flush than brush.

While we’re on the subject of flushing, you may want to consider where you store your toothbrush at home. If it happens to be within 3 feet of your toilet, airborne water droplets will settle within that radius- including on your toothbrush if it happens to be within ground zero.

Dentists recommend that you change your brush at least every 3 months or when the bristles start to show signs of wear.

“Brushing your teeth twice a day for two minutes helps maintain healthy gums and teeth and ward off dental disease.”

Effective twice daily brushing has been proven to help;

  • Prevent dental decay

  • Prevent gum disease

  • Freshen breath

  • Save you money at the dentist!

  • Reduce your chance of heart disease and stroke

  • Contribute to improving your overall health

The World Oral Health Report (2003) stated clearly that the relationship between oral health and general health is proven by evidence. Since that report, new evidence has emerged further strengthening the case.

Top Tips for Tip Top Brushing

  1. Choose a toothbrush with soft bristles and a small head. Many people are under the false impression that a harder brush will do a better job. A small head will allow better access to clean all the areas of your mouth and soft bristles will take care of your gums and tooth enamel without damaging it.

  2. Brush for at least 2 minutes twice a day, most people don’t brush for even close to this amount of time.

  3. Consider investing in an electric toothbrush. Most of them have an inbuilt timer and the heads are usually small with soft bristles. Most electric toothbrushes have a pressure sensor to prevent you from pressing too hard on your gums and teeth and potentially damaging them over time.

Your dental professional is the best person to talk to about selecting the right toothbrush and how to use it effectively. Make an appointment for yourself and your family today to learn more. Remember prevention is better (and cheaper!) than cure. And..

Don’t forget to replace your toothbrush!

CLICK HERE to book an appointment online for an assessment and discussion about your oral health today. Or you can call the practice on 0269215799.

Charles Gerba, Ph.D., a professor of microbiology at the University of Arizona.
  • https://www.bustle.com/p/what-happens-if-you-dont-change-your-toothbrush-enough-theres-a-host-of-gross-af-issues-waiting-to-happen-7519353
  • https://www.getquip.com/blog/why-change-your-brush-head-every-3-months
Kimberley Hayllar